I remember a lot all the people who have crossed my way and who in one way or another did not believe in me. I remember them because every day I show myself that everything I want to achieve, I achieve it; with effort, with care, with work, and with desire.
Many times we meet people on the way who may even be from our same family who clips our wings before taking flight. Why does this happen? Well, human beings are used to not taking too much risk, we are used to fearing the unknown, therefore, the vast majority of us human beings stay in the same position without taking any risk, living in the same security, everyday life and certain that everything will be fine in every aspect of life.
We still have a primitive brain that seeks security and does not want to wear out more than necessary, since it may need energy for survival. Therefore, it is very important to work a lot with our mind, it is a constant fight between what the brain wants and what the mind wants.
Many people, the vast majority of people worldwide even today work from sunrise to sunset, what we call the rat race, exchanging time for money, working for others, living in their comfort zone and safety.
What happens is that now we have the digital world, this world that opens up to us with millions of opportunities to create, grow, transform our lives in the way we are dreaming it.
If you are an entrepreneur, who wants to get out of the rat race, stop working for others to fulfill their dreams, and start working on your own dreams, this is still the place for you.
To have a different mindset, and really make things happen we need to work for it, we need to work on our minds, strengthen our beliefs and ideas. The intention is not enough, willingness is not enough, it is not enough to work one day a week, it is not enough to say but not to act.
Therefore, it is important to work and strengthen our minds through our beliefs and ideas; how do we do this?. Well, to strengthen your mind it is important that you consciously dedicate a few minutes a day to different types of activities that will help you to have a clearer conviction of what you want to achieve. It is not necessary that you do all the activities mentioned here, but choose the one that best suits you, your style, your personality and adopt it as yours to strengthen your mind. Have you heard about the compound effect? Compounding is about making small changes in everyday decisions to generate bigger changes in the long run. This means that if we consciously work on something at least a few minutes every day, in the long run, we will achieve giant things.
Your mind will not change overnight because you read a single article, a book, or listened to an audio. No. Your mind will adapt and will get stronger through your daily work and your daily decisions. What activities can you do in your life as a mom, just in a few minutes to strengthen your mind:
1. Read a book on a timer, spend 10 minutes on a quick read, choose an inspiring book. I give you some authors who have fabulous books to choose from:
- Wayne Dyer – best known as the father of motivation, psychologist, and writer of American self-help books.
- Paulo Coelho – one of the most widely read writers in the world, Brazilian novelist, playwright, and lyricist.
- Tony Robbins – Self-help book writer, motivational speaker, American philanthropist.
- Oprah Winfrey – businesswoman, writer and television host, producer, actress, this woman is a source of inspiration to the world.
You can choose a piece of writing, research for the books, pick one, or go to the library, or buy it online and start with your daily readings.
These are just suggestions from my favorite motivational speakers, so as not to go too far, you can see what books you have at your house, choose one and start with your daily 10-minute reading.
2. Listen to a podcast, today there are millions of interesting podcasts, it does not necessarily have to be motivational, the important thing is that you look for a podcast of something you want to learn to help your emotional intelligence and strengthen your mind. I give you some suggestions:
- The emotional intelligence channel by Scott Watson.
- Building Better Humans by Glenn Azar.
- Trained by Ryan Flaberty
- Cleaning up the mental mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf
You can find millions of podcasts that you will love, choose one and start your mindfulness training for 10 minutes a day.
3. Affirmations: It is very important that you start to be kinder to yourself and tell yourself the most beautiful things that come to mind. It is important to speak out loud and affirm for everything that you are really grateful for and for everything that will come for which you are grateful right now. I will give you some suggestions here, however, in my experience, it is important that you take a few minutes to write your own affirmations, in this way you will feel more personal, more intimate, more yours. Here are some suggestions:
I am beautiful
The universe conspires in my favor every day of my life
I am the creator of my life at all times
I open myself to the beauty of life
I open up to my own beauty
I am an empowered woman
I am loved and I am love
I face the challenges of my life
I am full of energy and life
I have children who love me
I have a family that loves me
Every day I receive a shower of blessings
I love myself unconditionally
I am a healthy and full of life woman
I am free to love and enjoy life
I am what I think
I am proud of my being and my person
I am a wonderful mom
Now, I know that our life as moms is hectic and busy every minute, it is important that you start giving yourself time because when there is a happy mother, there are happy children and a happy family, never forget that you are the pillar of your family. with which it is important that you first take care of yourself so that later you can take care of others with all your love and energy.
Tips to open a little more free time, this can be adjusted to your times:
Get up a few minutes before your children.
When your children are already sleeping, put your cell phone aside and spend a few minutes for yourself.
When your children are napping, take a deep breath, stay in the now in the present and take a few minutes.
Leave your children with a family member, babysitter, husband, friend, and leave your house and take a few minutes just for yourself.
Just make the commitment with you and make it happen.
I love being able to share this information as it has also been my experience, I know it will be valuable information for you.
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